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Living out every single day and be brave to show off your own true colors

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Made with Love

We hope that our clothes will be truly appreciated by Canadian consumers. Each piece of Alpaca clothes from Peru is a master price that was created with patience, skill, and love to warm up your heart and your soul during cold Canadian winters. 

Our mission. mission is to support small Peruvian manufacturers by offering them a chance to develop financially sustainable businesses and access the international market with unique alpaca clothing. The business model is built on creating jobs for the locals to preserve traditions and grow the economy. 



We are proudly Peruvians.

Antonio and Janeth Alvarado Choquehuanca were raised in a family where the art of knitting was carefully curated and treasured through generations. Tough mountain climate of Peruvian Andes with temperatures reaching as low as – 25°C / 77°F makes warm clothes an almost necessity. Farming animals, specifically alpacas, is an integral part of Peruvian culture. Famous for the exceptional quality of their warm, lightweight and waterproof wool, alpaca clothes are renowned across the world and became a signature of Peru. 


Alpaca Fleece

Made with Alpaca Fleece which gives you warmth and soft feel.


Alpaca's fleece products are very heavy but we try to make it lightweight for you

All Day Comfort

We believe getting dressed should be the easiest part of your day.

Support Peruvian industry

Most of the Peruvian manufacturers are local people with the limited economical ability to organize their own business. They are forced to sell their unique art to large companies. Antonio and Janeth decided to support their community. In 2019, they formed a partnership and opened a small plant where they employed the citizens of the Quispicanchi area to manufacture unique alpaca clothing. In 2021, the partners opened a small store in Lima, the capital of Peru, and started selling directly to consumers. 


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